Driven by great design

Whether you are buying for yourself, a loved one or your home, inspiring design should be available for everyone and should reflect personality. Finding great products amongst a market full of throw away novelties can be difficult. We carefully design and curate some of our favourite products which will be cherished long term.

Environmental Concerns

Its impossible to ignore the lasting damage that has been caused to Earth due to deforestation, farming and manufacturing. Industries are rapidly changing to minimize impact but many continue to pollute and destroy. When choosing the products in our collections, we have taken consideration over their environmental impact, predicted lifespan, materials, packaging and shipping. Where possible we will find Eco-friendly alternatives, which may include materials sourced from sustainable farms or low polluting manufacturing using biodegradable composites and organic farming.

Offset Carbon Emissions

To further reduce any environmental impact from selling our collection and even become carbon negative, we have pledged to take extra measures to ensure Delta Lemur has a positive impact on the environment while providing you with great products.

Firstly, we will offset the carbon footprint caused by any outgoing deliveries. This will be calculated at sale and a donation made to a carbon offset campaign located in several countries around the world who work on reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.
Secondly we are excited to promise that every item sold from the store will be matched with at least one tree planted in reforestation projects located globally.
This pledge will be managed by Ecologi who work with campaigns such as The Eden Reforestation Project in Madagascar, protecting and planting forests in badly damaged areas, helping to home many endangered animals including Lemurs and prevent further deforestation by alleviating poverty and creating a long term maintenance and protection plan.
As our name suggests this project is close to our hearts and every purchase or donation made will inspire us to donate further to this cause. You can keep track of our project here.

